In February 2019 with the initiative of the NGTC, it was decided to form AGA. In the next meeting held in Hong Kong during September 2019, the statutes of AGA, code of conduct and related matters were discussed and a draft was finalized. The draft was e-circulated for further refining. The refined statutes were discussed and adopted in the foundation meeting held on 8th November 2019, in Shanghai, China.
Founding Institutions:
- National Gemstone Testing Center (NGTC), Beijing, China
- The Gem and Jewellery Institute of Thailand (GIT), Bangkok, Thailand
- Gemmological Institute of India (GII), Mumbai, India
- China Gems & Jade Exchange (CGE), Shanghai, China
- Technological Development Center for the Colombian emerald (CDTEC), Bogota, Colombia
- Guild Gem Laboratories (GUILD), Los Angeles, US
- Gemmological Association of Hong Kong (GAHK), Hong Kong, China
- Hanmi Gemological Institute & Lab (HGI), Seoul, Korea
- Asia Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS), Bangkok, Thailand
The nine founding members of AGAmet on 7th November 2019 in hotel Melia, Shanghai, where Chinese International Jewellery Exhibition meetings were held. The main objective of this meeting was to discuss and accept the finalized statutes of AGA, code of conduct, finalization of membership forms and electing members to various committees. Ms. KeJie, President-elect, AGA, welcomed the participants and explained various objectives of AGA. She has presented the work report of the ad-hoc committee. Dr. Yang Lixin, Secretary elect, AGA, has explained how the various statutes of AGA were finalized through e-correspondence among founding members and their subsequent consultation of legal experts. He specifically thanked Dr. A V R Reddy, CEO, GII, who has contributed 32 amendments out of 44 amendments made on the draft statutes. Various aspects for AGA to go forward were discussed and all the members contributed to the discussion. Symbol of AGA was prepared by an artist, Ms. Li Cia was adopted and, the significance of Red and Bluecoloursin the symbol ( in the left top corner of the Photo ) was explained by her to the members.
As per decision of the earlier meeting, each founding institute has nominated one member to the Board of Directors and one to Technical Commission. Mr. AnupZaveri, Managing Trustee, GII is one of the nine Directors and Dr. A V R Reddy, CEO, GII, is a member of Technical Commission. Later Dr. Reddy was unanimously elected as Director, Technical Commission.
Dr. Reddy suggested that all the members shall exchange opinions and suggestions with a motto of “Communicate, Continue and Contribute for the collective growth of AGA” and AGA accepted it as the modus operandi for communication.
Founding Ceremony of AGA was held on 8th November 2019
In the morning of8th November 2019 representatives of founding institutes of AGA, participants of International Jewellery Standardization summit and a few invited special guests have assembled in the ground floor of Hotel Melia, Shanghai, for the foundation ceremony of AGA. One representative from each founding institute assembled on the stage around 11 am and it was announced that AGA was founded after pressing the lights on the screen which displayed AGA symbol on the screen.
It was followed by 3 special lectures by various experts on standardization methodologies. After founding ceremony, there was a press briefing in which Mr. AnupZaveri and Dr. Reddy answered queries regarding how AGA would help each AGA member like GII and vice-versa. Mr. Zaveri told that as GII is known for quality R&D and reliable testing services, GII would contribute to AGA activities meaningfully. Mr. Pramod Kumar Agarwal, Chairman, GJEPC, was present during this function and briefed the press that AGA should be pro-active for jewellery standardization, so that all the founding members and Asian Countries, in general, will be evolving standardization procedures that would promote exports.