Highlights of the seminar includes, various types of treatments done to Ruby, Sapphire and Emeralds.
The treatments of heat, diffusion, fracture filling, beryllium etc. are dealt in depth. Treatments of Emeralds were discussed in detail with the help of slides. Identification of all the treatments were explained by study of inclusions and also by advanced spectroscopic methods. Dr. Lore there after given the presentation on Origin of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.
It was very informative and dealt in detail from the formation of minerals millions of years ago and the drifting of continents and finally the present day position of the deposits are analyzed in very systematic and lucid manner.
Shri Bakul R. Mehta addressed the gathering and welcomed the guest.
Speech delivered by Shri Bakulbhai Mehta, Chairman, GII
Good morning Ladies & Gentleman
It is a Pleasure & Privilege to welcome you all to the Annual convocation of the Institute and award function. The programme will be followed by seminar of Dr. Lore Kiefert. I am pleased in welcoming our Chief Guest Dr. Lore Kiefert, Chief Gemmologist, Gubelin Gem Lab Ltd. Switzerland. She will be giving us a very valuable presentation on “Treatments and Origins of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald” today.

This is one of the series of seminars by the renowned personalities, which the GII has planned along with other organizations in India. I also welcome Shri Rajiv Jain, MD and Chairman of M/s Sambhav Gems who doesn’t need any introduction to the Gem & Jewlery industry, He is former Chairman of the Gem & Jewlery Export Promotion Council, and he is the co-convener of the technical Committee of the Council.
Friends, I stand before you with a heart full of containment and satisfaction that the Gemological Institute of India has crossed over many milestones towards the fulfillment of dissemination of gemological knowledge and advancement of the Research studies related to Gem & Jewellery field in India.
Any Industry after certain stages of its development requires scientific foundation or knowledge base for its un-interrupted growth.
Today the Gem & Jewellery industry in India is one of the most modern industries using the highly sophisticated instruments and technology for manufacturing of gemstones and its identification.
This technological advancement was possible only because of the relentless efforts that have been put up by the industry organizations and educational institutions connected to the Gem & jewellery industry in India.
Since 1971 GII has been actively working to protect, support, promote and propagate the scientific developments and gemological education in the country.
The seed that was sawn by the visionaries in 1971 under the leadership of Shri KirtibhaiDoshiand others has grown into the gigantic tree that started yielding fruits today.
We are indebted and profoundly thank ShriKirtibhaiDoshi, ShriRajendrabhai A. Shah& other senior trustee for their pragmatic approach for scientific development and far sightedness in establishing the Gemological Institute of India, the very first school in gemology in the country.
Now it is the time for present Trust Board and the industry to carry forward the GII to further heights.
For this purpose we need the young talents who have graduated from the institutes like GII. Today it is the time the Industry needs more and more technocrats who are qualified and having commitment, dedication with an open and scientific band of mind.
The challenges the industry is facing today is different from that of yester years.
Synthetic diamonds is one amongst them. Treatment is yet another field where we need detailed study to differentiate natural from treated stones. Origin of gemstones plays an important role.
No doubt the gemstone business is still a very subjective one. The younger generations learn by experience and it is mostly handed over by hereditary manner. Nevertheless, that traditional knowledge of the dealer has to be supported by strong scientific foundation. Therefore we need to spread the knowledge of gemology across the country and around the globe. Gemology is a language we traders should be speaking throughout the world. It is a vehicle of communication.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the students who have graduated from GII and wish them good luck.
Friends, I would like to make an important announcement today.
Over the years GII services and certificates became very popular all over the Country because of the increasing support and co-operation and patronage given to GII by the Industry.
In recognition of this support the Board of Trustees of the GII has unanimously decided to institute an award to those Industry members who have been continuously motivating us and the spirit behind our services and success.
The award is named as “GII Star Mitra Award”.
We have divided the Awards in to 3 categories:
1. Gemstones
2. Jewellery and
3. Diamonds.
We have instituted 2 awards from each category for the top two partners.
We have decided to start this award from the financial year ending 31st March, 2016 and will be continuing forever. I believe in coming years the award would be become most sought after.
I take this opportunity to congratulate all the recipients of the awards.
I invite friends, patrons and associates of GII, particularly from the Gem Stone & Jewellery sector, actively involve themselves with GII activities for promotion of Trade.
I suggest we will introduce colour Gem focused Jewellery Designing programmes. GII will also look forward to partner with Jewellery Retailers in Ad-campaign as certifier.
Coming to the Research and Development activities of GII is concerned our team of GII scientist headed by Dr. M. D. Sastry is doing an exemplary job in taking care of the needs of the Indian industry specially addressing the recent advent of synthetic diamonds in the Indian market.
With the support of the Trade organization like Council, BDB, DEAL, MDMA etc. we are sure that the Indian industry could overcome the challenges that are coming up in the course of our onward journey.
I once again thank you all, especially my colleagues in the Trust Board for their valuable support and co-operation to me.
I also thank Dr. Lore Kiefert for accepting our invitation and grace the occasion with her presence.
I also thank Shri Rajiv Jain for accepting our invitation and grace the occasion.
I also place on record my sincere appreciation to all the staff of GII ably led by Mr. Ramchandran, Dr. Sastry, Mr. Das for their commitment and dedication to the responsibilities entrusted to them.
Thanking you once again,
Jai Hind.