Report On Education Tour To Venus Jewels and Lexus Softmac

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  • We visited Surat along with 16 students from Diamond Grading and gemology batches on Saturday, 9th July, 2022. Names are given in Annex -1 alongwith 4 photographs.  Shri Brijesh Kansara, Sr. Grader, GII and Shri Omkar Naik, Grader, GII accompanied the students on this tour.
  •  In Surat, we reached Venus Jewels by 10:15am. Mr. Ankur Mehta from Venus Jewels gave presentation on Venus Jewels history and their grading system. Thereafter we visited the diamond manufacturing unit.  Students were explained about the planning, cutting and polishing besides detail of their grading system.
  • Around 2:30pm we went to Lexus Softmac Company. Utpal Mistry Co-founder and Director gave presentation on diamond cutting machinery software.  It was followed by demonstration on the machine.
  • Visit to both the factories are very useful and informative to students.
  • GII records its appreciation and gratitude to Shri Arvindbhai Parikh, Trustee, GII for co-ordinationg with Venus Jewels and Lexus Softmac in Surat. GII thank to Mr. Hiteshbhai Shah, Venus Jewels and Mr. Utpal Mistry, Lexus Softmac for extending the hospitality, showing the facility and explaining to the students.  It is an extremely educative tour.

  • Name of the students visited as under:
    1. Rahul Pandit
    2. Vishal M,
    3. G Aniketh,
    4. Aditya N D,
    5. Nimisha Jangid,
    6. R. T Yogesh Alwar,
    7. G Balu,
    8. Syam M. G,
    9. Siddhesh Salavkar,
    10. Mustafa Adib,
    11. Mohamed H,
    12. Aagam Shah,
    13. Aditya Shah,
    14. Karthik Jain,
    15. Ameenul Islam A R,
    16. Mohak Tripuri.
Mr. Ankur Mehta explaining about Venus Jewels to GII students.
Group Photo before Venus Jewels premises.
Mr. Utpal Mistry explaining about Diamond Cutting Machinery to GII students.
Group Photo before Lexus Softmac premises.

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