Gemmological Institute of India (GII), Mumbai is in the forefront of training and Education besides Testing and R&D. GII organizes seminars and Training programmes in Mumbai as well as outside Mumbai.
On the request of M/s Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers, Dadar, GII, organised a One day seminar for their clients on “Navgraha Gemstones” and “ Synthetic Diamonds ” on 1st May 2022 in Nagpur.
Smt Silvia Sequeira, Head Education Dept., GII conducted a seminar on Navratna Gemstones and explained their identification, discrimination from simulants and the various treatments performed on the precious stones. Mr. Milind Varhadpande, Head Diamond Grading Dept., GII gave a talk on the difference between Natural and Synthetic diamonds and also their simulants.
The seminar was well attended and appreciated by their important clientele. After the seminar, an interactive session was held which was mainly meant for seeking answers and clarifications to various queries. The questions were mostly related to treatments done on gemstones, specifically, Yellow sapphires & Emeralds, and also identification of Natural diamonds from their synthetic counterparts, mainly, when studded in jewellery.
Mr. Neel Pethe, Director, M/s. Waman Hari Pethe, took an active part in this session and answered the questions with regards to the importance of buying certified goods. He stressed that an impartial laboratory like GII whose expertise is world-class, be approached for certification of the goods.
Smt. Silvia Sequeira and Mr. Milind Varhadpande delivering lectures in the Seminar.